

Raphi was rescued from a family in Ohio who heard about our Sanctuary through a friend! He was rescued with Raega and Razi. These three siblings are named after Archangels.

Raphi believes he is in charge of the entire goat herd. He is playful and opinionated. He also likes to ignore the volunteers at times and wander around, beating to his own drum. We love Raphi because he doesn’t fit the mold and he is proud of that!


Raega was rescued from a family in Ohio who heard about our Sanctuary through a friend! Since she has white on her face, she was not up to breed show standards. She was rescued with Raphi and Razi.

Raega is outgoing, lively and sometimes pushy. When she allows you to hug her, she wags her tail similarly to a dog, to show that she is enjoying the affection. She likes to spend time playing with Reese’s.


Razi was rescued from a family in Ohio who heard about our Sanctuary through a friend! Since she has white on her face, she was not up to breed show standards. She was rescued with Raphi and Raega.

Razi likes to keep her distance with new people. She is a a great example of how to respect boundaries for the human healing program. She may be more of an introvert, and we honor that about her.

Reese’s & Rhyland

These two sisters were chosen by the Sanctuary to provide human healing experiences! They are both extremely friendly and playful.

They were surrendered to the Sanctuary from a local goat breeding family. The were treated like family, but due to being born with horns and having to go through the “disbudding” process the family did not want to continue breeding these genes into their herd. So they made the decision to find a wonderful home for these sisters.


Rocky was rescued after getting bullied by other goats at his farm. Due to getting bullied, he was dropped at a local farm to be sold for meat. However, Solstice Sanctuary did not want his life to end because he was getting bullied. He has made a wonderful addition to the Sanctuary!

Rocky has a hole in each ear, due to ear tags from his time as a fair goat. He teaches us that just because you have scars, you are still worthy of love.



